Three Things to Look for in a Middle School Reading List Selection

An essential part of any education is a wide selection of literature, but the tricky part is compiling a reading list from the existing body of literature. Making the right book list selections is essential, especially for middle school children who are at an age when fostering a relationship with books is important. Here are a few tips for choosing the best books for middle school students.
1. Strong Characters
One of the most important things to look for in a selection for a middle school book list is a strong set of characters. Children between the ages of 12 and 14 prefer to read books that feature heroes that are strong, brave, and smart. Find books that have protagonists that are like your readers — young is a good place to start — that your readers will be able to relate to an identify with. This will make them much more likely to be able to engage with the text.
2. The Right Genre
Another important thing to think about when you’re looking for a book list selection for middle schoolers is the genre. These days, fantasy novels are all the rage, and for good reason. Fantasy is one of the oldest and most enduring forms of writing and dates all the way back to the epics of Homer and Gilgamesh. Additionally, older kids prefer to read books as a form of escapism, and middle school fantasy books are a good way for them to forget about real life for awhile.
3. A Positive Message
Aside from strong characters and the fantasy genre, you’ll need to find a novel with a positive message. It’s good to find a fun story, but what’s really important is that the novel has a significant underlying message. Inspirational books for students are more substantive than books that don’t contain a positive message.
Do you have any tips for choosing the best books for middle school students? Feel free to share them with us in the comments section. Read more. Read more like this.