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Safeguard Your Brain From Alzheimer’s And Dementia With Puzzle Solving


When was the last time you sat down to solve a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle? Many of us would answer years ago, or even never at all, but did you know that solving difficult puzzles can have many amazing benefits?

The Benefits Of Solving Hard Puzzles

  • Memory. Solving tough puzzles helps to strengthen the synaptic connections in our brains which improves the speed of many cognitive processes. As you work to solve a puzzle, your brain tries to remember the various shapes and sizes and where they would fit into the larger picture. This is turn helps improve short term memory as well. Additionally, this action can also help stop the onset or delay the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Various studies have shown a connection between problem-solving activities, such as 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, and a lowered amount of damaged brain cells in a patient with Alzheimer’s. This research also supports a correlation between the amount of problem-solving activities someone partakes in and the lowered chance of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s. The sooner you start working on and solving puzzles, the sooner you can start safeguarding your brain.
  • Problem Solving. The ability to solve problems and the ability to think critically are well-valued traits in any position. Solving 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles requires us to develop different approaches and think about things differently than we usually would. This method forces our brains to further develop various perspectives that can help us with all sorts of situations in real life.
  • Spatial Reasoning. Visual-spatial reasoning is something we often don’t think of much in our day to day; however, things like driving and parking depending on our ability to utilize this skill effectively. In professional roles, this can help us better perform tasks, especially if your role requires fine motor skills or lots of commuting.
  • IQ. Difficult puzzles can help improve not only our problem solving, but also our reasoning, vocabulary, and memory. All of this grants a boost to overall IQ ranking. In some research, IQ scores have been seen to rise around four points after only 25 minutes of puzzle solving. If you’re looking to increase your brain power, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more effective, and fun, way.
  • Mood and Stress. Solving puzzles has also been found to increase the amount of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the chemical responsible for feelings of happiness and optimism; however, it can also help us concentrate, and feel more motivated. When we finish something as tedious as a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, dopamine is released rewarding us for our success. This chemical release can also help lower stress overall allowing us to improve our self-confidence, make deeper connections, and feel less anxious about the things around us.
  • Attention to Detail. It’s no surprise that working on puzzles helps us develop closer attention to detail. As you work to remember the shapes, colors, and sizes, you become more attuned to the minute things that set the pieces apart. As you continue to solve more and more puzzles, this attention continues to improve making 1000 piece puzzles easier than ever.

If you are looking for an easy and fun way to improve your mental facilities, look no further than puzzle-solving. Whether you start out small and work your way up, or you go straight for 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, you can start to benefit from these exercises. The skills that you’ll develop can help you in many different areas of life, and no matter when you start you can help safeguard your mind from debilitating diseases. Additionally, you don’t have to do these puzzles alone, enlist the help of a friend or make it a family event! You can even frame your puzzle when you’re done and preserve your hard work for years to come.

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