How to Have Your Very Own Movie Theater In Your Home
Have you ever sat in a movie theater with your popcorn, staring up at the big screen and wished that you could have the same level of excitement and comfort while watching a movie at home? You begin planning out the basement in your home and how you could easily turn it into a comfortable home theater seating area. You could move around a few boxes and clear an open space. You would put in a large screen TV with a great sound system and you, of course, would upgrade your current furniture for more comfort during the movie. You begin thinking about how realistic it is and if it really is possible installing a home theater system.
About 44% of survey participants said that they had been to a theater with cushy recliner seats. More than half of those who had said that the upgrades made them more inclined to return. In other words, your home theater?s seating matters. The home seating should fit appropriately into the space in your home and it should be very comfortable. You should have enough seating options for you and your immediate family and for any guests that you plan to invite over for a movie night. Comfortable home theater seating really begins with a high level of comfort in the seats. The material will vary, depending on preferences. Home owners can choose leather or cushioned seats that recline or provide other levels of comfort.
A wide screen TV is also important for a comfortable home theater seating room. Many movie goers prefer watching movies on the big screen. They feel more into the movie and feel that their experience is improved. A good home entertainment TV is one that is large and in high definition. Other things such as having a smart or 3D TV can also improve the home theater system.
The sound system is another important part of the comfortable home theater seating room. Many movie goers enjoy seeing movies at the theater because of the sound. The sound is often very loud and includes a high quality surround sound system, to allow watchers to really feel as if they are in the movie. Some home theater seating choices may even have individual speakers built into them for even better sound system. Some may allow the person to listen to the movie with headphones, blocking out the noises to those not engaged into the movie.
Having a home theater system is also a great financial decision. A family will spend a lot of money on a movie at a movie theater, including the admission prices and the snacking prices. When that same family is able to watch movie theater quality movies at home, they are constantly saving money. Additionally, having a home theater system may provide an increase in your home?s value. Returns vary widely and are affected by the range of home prices in your neighborhood, the overall condition of your home and sensible design choices. A high quality Home Theater Remodeling project in an appropriate neighborhood can return as much as 77% to 91% of the initial cost. Considering that 57% of people prefer to watch movies at home, this seems like a win win situation for many financial reasons. Home entertainment experts will ensure that your home theater addition is sensible and will have the best rate of return value.
Hundreds of thousands of people visit the movie theater each day. People prefer to see movies on the larger screens because of better views, more comfortable of seating options and the high quality surround sound systems. A family that chooses to install their own home theater will find that it is possible and that they will save a lot of money over the long run, by visiting expensive theaters less and by increasing the resale value of the home.