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How to Brand Yourself as a Musician on Twitter


How to create and promote compelling music videos

You’re not still using MySpace, are you?

If you’re working on building a social media presence as a musician, there’s no better place to start than Twitter — even if you don’t have a single recording to your name (yet). Twitter has some 310 million monthly active Twitter users, which is a lot of potential outreach — but also a large sea to swim in. To stand out as a musician on Twitter, follow these tips and tricks to build a following and develop your “brand” as an artist from the start.

  1. Start a Dialogue.
    The best part about Twitter is that it lets us connect to people we admire, even if we don’t know them personally. Reach out to other artists whose work you enjoy. You might not get a response from Kanye West, but chances are, if you try to contact other vlogger musicians or a musician on YouTube who’s also trying to establish a social network, they’ll be more than happy to talk shop (and give you a follow)!
  2. Market Yourself.
    No one likes a braggart, but don’t forget to let people know when you’ve finished working on a new song or have done something you’re proud of. On top of that, make sure to have a flattering profile picture and accessible links to your work or website very visible on your page.
  3. Respond to Everything.
    Even the best YouTube musician on Twitter has to make sure to devote time to the one thing they can’t live without: their fans. If someone compliments you or wants to know more, the best thing you can do is respond. That personal contact lets audiences know that you’re listening to them, which can increase their loyalty and let them in on the music-making process.

In this day and age, simply having a good song or a pretty voice isn’t enough. You need to be social media-savvy to grow a fanbase and get noticed by the industry. A good place to start is with a simple Twitter feed to let people know what you’re up to, and a YouTube page to post some videos. After all, Justin Bieber’s career has turned out pretty OK! Find more.

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